HTML localization (i18n)

Hi guys,
I read this [topic]
( where it is explained how to use the localization using java.
How I can do the same operation on the HTML text?

Is possible to localize labels o other text that is present on the HTML files?


Hi Gianluca. Unfortunately, there is not yet a proper way to do this. We do have some ideas for it and making it easy is in the backlog, but currently the earliest we would have time for it would be V14 (released June 2019). But, to be honest, it might go later than that too.

Please go +1 the issue for to show your interest and help us prioritize this over other things, if it is important for you.


Hi Pekka,
thanks for you answer. I am very surprised, since this strongly affects the development of a web application with Vaadin 10.
This means that, currently, it is not feasible to create an enterprise web application, and I need to use ‘old’ approach using all java code to localize the web presentation pages.

It’s a big limitation as well as a big problem!

Maybe you can use ResourceBundle.

public class LMSMessages {

    public enum MessageLocale {

    public static LMSMessages shared = new LMSMessages();

    private ResourceBundle bundle_en;
    private ResourceBundle bundle_es;

    private LMSMessages(){
        bundle_en = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", Locale.ENGLISH);
        bundle_es = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages", Locale.forLanguageTag("ES"));

    public String getString(String string, MessageLocale locale) {
        if (locale == MessageLocale.EN) {
            return bundle_en.getString(string);
        else if (locale == MessageLocale.ES) {
            return bundle_es.getString(string);

        return bundle_es.getString(string);

    public static final String TO = "TO";
    public static final String FROM = "FROM";
    public static final String SUBJECT = "SUBJECT";
    public static final String MESSAGE = "MESSAGE";
    public static final String NEW_MESSAGE = "NEW_MESSAGE";

public class LMSView extends VerticalLayout {

    protected LMSMessages.MessageLocale locale;

    public LMSView(){
        locale = LMSMessages.MessageLocale.EN;

    public void setLocale(String lang){
        if (lang.toUpperCase().contains("EN")) {
            locale = LMSMessages.MessageLocale.EN;
        else {
            locale = LMSMessages.MessageLocale.ES;

    public String getString(String string){
        return LMSMessages.shared.getString(string, locale);

@Viewport("width=device-width, initial-scale=1")
public class MainView extends LMSView {

    public MainView(HttpServletRequest request){


        Label userLabel = new Label(getString(LMSMessages.USER));


Every resource file is using unicode codes. You can create unicode resource files with native2ascii java tool.

Resource bundle examples.

Thanks Roberto,
your code is really useful, but implies that all the development should be java side.

Thanks a lot for your help