Vaadin + AWS + Lambda serverless


I had web site running in AWS (Linux + Tomcat + Vaadin web app + MongoDB) - but running that for a non-money hobby turned out to be a little bit too expensive (about 60-70e/month - even with the very small T2/T3 micro servers).

So since then I have been a little bit into AWS & serverless things - so there you can easily build static html pages using AWS components (S3) and/or AWS Lambda serverless functions, but those are static pages and kind of lacking features/easy buildiness (of Vaadin).

But, my question is that has anyone thought if you could utilize Vaadin components in this serverless environment - this could give me (any many others) the benefits of serverless (price for example (for low utilized hobby site)). And seems it’s kind of a way to go in the future.

You can utilize Java 8/node.js things in Lambda functions, but how about Vaadin?

Has anyone experiences (I’m using AWS, but others cloud environments goes well also)?



I am hosting an application at hetzner. Thats’s less costy and maybe worth a try?

Also migrated from amazon aws :wink:

You should check You can probably take instance of 10$ (1G RAM) and it would be ok. I have no idea if you cound run Vaadin on serverless - but with serverless you really have to manage your usage (=cost). I read a couple of example on internet where programmers have down some error in app (f.e. infinitive loop) and then the cost go skyrock.