Routing issue with SpringBoot.

I have found that the @Route annotation is not working properly. I found that using @Route(value=“”) works and is recognized by spring boot. But if I don’t specify the value property and put only the string in it doesn’t work. Says Could not navigate to “view name”. I have a button in that first view and when I try to navigate to another view on button click the same problem occurs only now it doesnt matter whether I specify value property or not. However the view name is displayed in the list of available routes but clicking on it simply shows the same exact error. Link to the project on github. I am linking directly to project because it is a very basic project and the back-end code is confirmed to work as it worked with Vaadin 8. []

Edit: I get this message after the project starts up and loads into browser.
[2018-09-10 13:29:40.129 INFO 11144 — [nio-8080-exec-1]
c.vaadin.flow.spring.SpringInstantiator : The number of beans implementing ‘I18NProvider’ is 0. Cannot use Spring beans for I18N, falling back to the default behavior

There seems to be an extra leading slash in /employeeDisplay, do you know where it comes from?

I put that there. Should I just use employeeDisplay?

I believe so :slight_smile:

Thank You! That worked.