Per cell rendering in Vaddin7 grid

Hi all!

In my (swing based) application i have extended a JTable that on a data driven basis is capable to determine at runtime the datatype of a cell then rendering it accordingly to the type. Now i’m in the need to do the same thing with the Vaadin grid.
In short, i need to be able to specify renderer and editor at runtime, and for a specific column each row of that column may have different data type hence different renderers/editors.
The big problem for me is on renderers because with editors i (guess) can patch the EditorFieldGroup to work the way i want when the user enters edit mode.
So far, i found very few threads talking about this problem and most of them look like they’re task specific, hence solved with some task specific trick.
Can Vaadin 7 grid support this feature? If not, can Vaadin 8…10 support it?

Thanks! Umberto