How to style [part="value"] of TextField in ComboBox

Hi i have a combobox i tried to style the text to be center with following but with no success. Please help…

 ComboBox<String> durationCb = new ComboBox<>();

<dom-module id="my-combo-box-styles" theme-for="vaadin-combo-box">
			:host(.centercb) [part="text-field"]
			:host(.centercb) [part="text-field"]
 > [part="value"]
			:host(.centercb) [part="text-field"]
			:host(.centercb) [part="value"]
.centercb) [part="value"]
			:host(:host(.centercb) [part="text-field"]
) [part="value"]
				text-align: center !important; 


Hi. Styling the components in shadow DOM is only possible using CSS custom properties (this is how browsers work). So the working code for your case looks like this:

<dom-module id="my-combo-box-styles" theme-for="vaadin-combo-box">
			:host(.centercb) [part="text-field"]
				--my-text-field-text-align: center; 

<dom-module id="my-text-field-styles" theme-for="vaadin-text-field">
				text-align: var(--my-text-field-text-align, 'auto'); 

Note the second argument for the var() is the default value for property, you should always use reasonable defaults.

This will not work (using CSS) as the variable is targetting all text-fields input-field parts, as it is used in the “themeFor” text-fields. However, it is null for all others than the combo-box in which “themeFor”, it specifically is declared and thus known to. In the example below, making the text-fields background unknown.

… or do I miss something?

Main class:

@Theme(value = Lumo.class)
@CssImport(value="./styles/my-textfieldstyles.css", themeFor="vaadin-text-field")
@CssImport(value="./styles/my-comboboxstyles.css", themeFor="vaadin-combo-box")

public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {
        TextField tf1 = new TextField("Textfield 1");
        ComboBox<String> cb1 = new ComboBox<String>("Combo1");
        public MainView() {


:host(.my-combobox) [part="text-field"]
	--my-cb-background: blue


	  background: var(--my-cb-background, 'auto');

Thanks Niels, you have made a running example! You have helped me a lot. Now I know how to:

  1. Create CSS files affecting a component
  2. Importing to the view
  3. Setting styles to components

That rocks!

Can someone help me, I can’t change the input field style, vaadin 10. Because Neils and Ximo solutions, not work for me

ComboBox<String> durationCb = new ComboBox<>();

<dom-module id="my-combo-box-styles" theme-for="vaadin-combo-box">
			<!-- THIS WORKS OK -->
			:host(.centercb) [part="text-field"]
                background-color: transparent;
                font-size: var(--lumo-font-size-xs);
			<!-- THIS WORKS OK -->
            :host(.centercb) [part="text-field"]
                display: none;
			<!-- THIS NOT WORKS -->
            :host(.centercb) [part="input-field"]
            :host(.centercb) [part="text-field"]
                background-color: transparent;
                border: 1px solid var(--lumo-contrast-10pct);
                min-height: 27px;
			<!-- THIS NOT WORKS -->