vaadin 10 buttons accessibility

Hello vaadin community!

I am trying to make my vaadin application accessible for people with a disabilities (i.e. blind users).
Unfortunately even the smallest example vaadin application (two buttons and one label) fails to do so:

public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {

    public MainView(@Autowired ExampleTemplate template) {
        // This is just a simple label created via Elements API
		Button button1 = new Button("Click one", event -> template.setValue("One"));
		button1.getElement().setAttribute("role", "button");
		button1.getElement().setAttribute("name", "name of the button");
		button1.getElement().setAttribute("title", "title of the button");
		button1.getElement().setAttribute("aria-label", "aria label of the button");
		Button button2 = new Button("Click two", event -> template.setValue("Two"));

        // This is a simple template example
		add(button1, button2, template);

When i start the application in firefox 61 and let the screen reader NVDA read the html page, the first button will be read as “button” and when i switch focus to the second button, the screen reader says nothing at all. Even the label will not be read, because it is not focusable.

I think the problem is caused by the structure of the generated DOM tree:

<vaadin-button role="button" name="name of the button" id="myButton" title="title of the button" aria-label="aria label of the button" tabindex="0" tab-index="0">
    <div class="vaadin-button-container style-scope vaadin-button">
      <div part="prefix" class="style-scope vaadin-button">
      <div part="label" class="style-scope vaadin-button">
        Click one
      <div part="suffix" class="style-scope vaadin-button">
    <button id="button" type="button" class="style-scope vaadin-button" tabindex="0" role="presentation"></button>
  </vaadin-button><vaadin-button tabindex="0" tab-index="0" role="button">
    <div class="vaadin-button-container style-scope vaadin-button">
      <div part="prefix" class="style-scope vaadin-button">
      <div part="label" class="style-scope vaadin-button">
        Click two
      <div part="suffix" class="style-scope vaadin-button">
    <button id="button" type="button" class="style-scope vaadin-button" tabindex="0" role="presentation"></button>
        <span class="style-scope example-template">Not Clicked</span>

Why is the role of the button element defined as “presentation” and not “button”?

How can i add an aria-label attribute to the inner button-element instead of the outer vaadin-button-element? button1.getElement().getChild(int) will not work, because the vaadin-button-element has only some text as child component on the server side.

What do i have to do to make the text focusable and thus readable for the screen reader?

Thanks for any support

Here’s the related issue: