Error customfield with HTML template


I created a customfield “CoordinatesField” with latitude and longitude.
If I design my page with HTML, when I bind the field latitude is set but longitude is not set (empty).
If I design my page with JAVA, when I bind the field latitude and longitude are set.

Here an example code in JAVA:
And a working example (longitude is filled after readBean in the constructor)

Here the “same” code in HTML:

And a working example (longitude is empty after readBean in the constructor)

I use Vaadin 10.0.1. I think it’s a bug but I don’t know if it’s related to vaadin platform or flow … or if it has been already reported).

Can you confirm this ? And if it’s no reportd, tell me on which project I should report this.


(the entire project can be clone to reproduce the problem :wink: )