How to set column alignment in grid

I can’t find any examples or documentation on how to change the text alignment from left to center or right in a grid.

There’s no helper for this out-of-the-box at the moment. There’s an enhancment issue waiting, though:

And a related issue which also mentions helpers for this:

The current solution is to use a column template, where you use a HTML element wrapper and some CSS for it to align the content.

For some reason my grid is centering the column content by default.

I used the following to align text content:

        grid.addColumn(TemplateRenderer.<Product> of(
                "<div align='left'>[[]
                .withProperty("name", Product::getName))
                .setHeader("Product Name");

I also need to right align a popup action menu, but had to create a component template to do this:

<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">

<dom-module id="action-menu-template">
            // See:
            /* The container <div> - needed to position the dropdown content */
            .dropdown {
                float: right;
                right: 0px;
                display: inline-block;

            .hoverTarget {
                display: block;

            /* Dropdown Content (Hidden by Default) */
            .popupActions {
                display: none;

            /* Show the dropdown menu on hover */
            .dropdown:hover .popupActions {
                display: block;

            /* Hide the target menu on hover */
            .dropdown:hover .hoverTarget {
                display: none;

        <div align="right" class="dropdown">
            <span class="popupActions">
                <vaadin-button theme="small tertiary">
                    <iron-icon icon="vaadin:edit" slot="prefix"></iron-icon>
                <vaadin-button theme="small tertiary">
                    <iron-icon icon="vaadin:trash" slot="prefix"></iron-icon>
            <span class="hoverTarget">
                <vaadin-button theme="small tertiary">
                    <iron-icon icon="vaadin:vaadin:ellipsis-circle-o"></iron-icon>

        class ActionMenuTemplate extends Polymer.Element {
            static get is() {
                return 'action-menu-template';

            static get properties() {
                return {
                    // Declare your properties here.
        customElements.define(, ActionMenuTemplate);
public class ActionMenuTemplate extends PolymerTemplate<ActionMenuTemplate.ActionMenuTemplateModel> {

     * Creates a new ActionMenuTemplate.
    public ActionMenuTemplate() {
        // You can initialise any data required for the connected UI components here.

     * This model binds properties between ActionMenuTemplate and action-menu-template.html
    public interface ActionMenuTemplateModel extends TemplateModel {
        // Add setters and getters for template properties here.

And add it to the grid:

        grid.addColumn(new ComponentRenderer<>(item -> {
            return new ActionMenuTemplate();

Franz Schoning,
Thank you for solution - i have to set alignment to right. Do you know how to do the some for header? Because table now looks litter silly.
Thank you

yourGrid.getColumn("columnName").setStyleGenerator(item -> "v-align-center");

CSS Style:

.v-align-center {
	text-align: center;