Recommended way of creating Vaadin 8 portlets for Liferay 7


What is the recommended way of creating Vaadin 8 portlets for Liferay 7?



Answering to myself…

For Liferay 7 and OSGi portlets, see [“OSGi Portlets on Liferay 7”]
( This is the recommended approach when using Vaadin 8.1 or later and Liferay 7.

Liferay DXP with Vaadin 8 is great!! Now our customers want to switch web vaadin 8 to Lifary DXP.

We have a problem: today we have a Vaadin 8 page that utilizes de CKEditor Addon (vaadin 8) with no problem. When we migrate to the OSGi Liferay DXP it is not displayed and inside the browser console we receive this message:
…p_p_id=POC_Notificacion&p_p_lifecycle=2&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_resource_id=APP&p_p_cacheability=cacheLevelPage&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_count=1&_POC_Notificacion_v-resourcePath=%2FAPP%2FPUBLISHED%2Fckeditor.js:98 GET http://localhost:7007/group/guest/config.js?t=I3I8 404 (Not Found)

As far as I know this is a static .js .css resource problem, since the ckeditor.js calls inside the config.js file.
Any idea how can I use static resources with Vaadin inside Liferay DXP?