How to do I update the currently editor row in Vaadin Grid after a valueCha

I would like to update a in the line being edited in the Grid Editor as soon as another value is altered. So for example if I change the currency in a purchase I want the amount to be adjusted for that currency. With that in mind I have:

Grid grid = new Grid();

    .setEditorBinding(amountField, Purchase::setAmount);
    .setEditorBinding(currencyField, Purchase::setCurrency);

grid.getEditor().getBinder().addValueChangeListener(event ->
    Component component = event.getComponent();
        Purchase purchase = binder.getBean();
        // How do I update to the amount in the grid for that row?

My question is how do I update the amount in the Grid? Even though the bean has been adjusted the screen isn’t updated…

First thing that occurs into my mind is to do programmatic forced close - reopen with edit in that value change listener.
