How to style vaadin-combo-box button

Is this possible to style vaadin-combo-box button ? I tried to style using custom-element. But i can’t style those button.

Any advice ?

Add this too your stylesheet, for instance, if you want to hide it.

::before { {

Hey guys, why is this not working, and how can i achieve it?

@CssImport(value = "./styles/hide-arrow-combobox.css", themeFor = "vaadin-combo-box")
public class HideDropDownArrowComboBox<T> extends ComboBox<T> {
    public HideDropDownArrowComboBox(String label) {

content of hide-arrow-combobox.css

.hide-dropdown-arrow-combobox [part="toggle-button"]
    display: none;

what i’m i doing wrong?

Daniel Labcube:
Hey guys, why is this not working, and how can i achieve it?

@CssImport(value = "./styles/hide-arrow-combobox.css", themeFor = "vaadin-combo-box")
public class HideDropDownArrowComboBox<T> extends ComboBox<T> {
    public HideDropDownArrowComboBox(String label) {

content of hide-arrow-combobox.css

.hide-dropdown-arrow-combobox [part="toggle-button"]


display: none;


what i'm i doing wrong?

Looks like your css is missing the :host selector:

:host(.hide-dropdown-arrow-combobox) [part="toggle-button"]
    display: none;