Poisoned my vaadin 8.1.1 project by adding a vaadin7 addon

I poisoned my vaadin 8.1.1 project by adding a vaadin7 addon

com.vaadin grid-renderers-collection-addon 0.94

How can i cure it? I get error message: Failed to load the widgetset: ./…/…/VAADIN/widgetsets/AppWidgetset/AppWidgetset.nocache.js?1519129148071

I fixed the error by commenting out an important artifact in pom.xml, launching the service (aborting because of errors), then adding the artifact again.
It was this artifact:


I still would like to know something: Are the grid renderers part of vaadin 8.1.1 by default?

There are default Grid renderers (like NumberRenderer and DateRenderer), but the ones in the Grid Renderers Collection are still in an add-on. Note that you’ll want a more recent version of the add-on for Vaadin 8, probably 2.2.10.


When I add the addon with version 2.2.10, i get “Failed to load the widgetset: ./…/…/VAADIN/widgetsets/AppWidgetset/AppWidgetset.nocache.js?1519133143113” error again.

Peter Schäfer:
When I add the addon with version 2.2.10, i get “Failed to load the widgetset: ./…/…/VAADIN/widgetsets/AppWidgetset/AppWidgetset.nocache.js?1519133143113” error again.

Are there any widgetset compilations errors in your maven build log?