Help with Springboot EventBus

I have a view and inside her I have a tabsheet, in this tabsheet I have 3 or 7(depends
if I have a parameter or not) components(one tab each) so I one of that tabs I have a button to open a window and in this opened window I have another button when clicked publish one event in my EventBus.

So in my view I create a ViewEventBus

    private EventBus.ViewEventBus eventBus;
    private void register(){

in the opened window I create a viewEventbus

private EventBus.ViewEventBus eventBus;
public MyWindow(){
  this.eventBus = BeanLocator.find(EventBus.ViewEventBus.class);
private void myButtonclick(){
  this.eventBus.publish(this, new ProtocoloEvent.CarimboAtualizado(editor.getValue()));

The problem is when my viw receive the event the tabsheet was with only 3 components and not 7.

Obs. When I enter in view to the first time I navigate to ( I only add 3 components (in one of this comp I have a button when clicked I save a number to this class and navigate to the same view but passing a parameter ( in that moment I put the 7 components in my tabshee)

so when I receive the eventbus is just like I was saved in the eventBus the first time I enter in view