Vaadin Spreadsheet on Liferay 7.0.3GA4

519|Active | 1|Vaadin Shared (8.1.4)
520|Active | 1|Vaadin Server (8.1.4)
521|Active | 1|Vaadin OSGi Integration (8.1.4)
522|Active | 1|Default Widgetset (8.1.4)
523|Active | 1|Vaadin Themes (8.1.4)
524|Active | 1|Vaadin Liferay Integration (8.1.4)
528|Installed | 1|Vaadin Spreadsheet (1.4.0.alpha2)
530|Active | 1|vaadin-client-compiler (8.1.4)
538|Active | 1|Apache Commons Collections (4.1.0)
543|Active | 6|Liferay Portal OSGi Web WAB Reference Support (1.0.6)
544|Active | 10|Liferay Portal OSGi Web WAB Reference Support (1.0.8)
545|Resolved | 1|Liferay Portal OSGi Web Jasper Plugins (1.0.2)
546|Active | 6|Liferay Util Taglib (2.9.0)
g! start 528
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: com.vaadin.addon.v aadin-spreadsheet [528]

Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.apache.poi

This is my error. I’m in a hard battle with vaadin spreadsheet four days already. Please, help. I’ve tried to install org.apache.poi bundle through blade.jar without success because of the error described here:

I’ve replaced without success, I placed all required jar to global tomcat lib directory and all that without success.

What I have to do else?
My spended time costs a lot more that vaadin spreadsheet license!!!