VLayoutSlot strange resize-behavior

Hi, I am working on my own “layout widget” in which I can resize the child elements.
My problem is that if I use Vaadin VerticalLayout-s and want to fill them with some children (width: 100%), because of the VLayoutSlot-s, the children of the vertical layout lose their default resize-behavior. I recognized that the following source code lines are responsible for the “wrong/strange” behavior.

Snippet from VLayoutSlot:

if (isRelativeWidth()) {
    style.setPropertyPx("width", (int) availableWidth);
} else {

I would like to know if it is really needed to “convert” the given relative width(height) into px value in case of vertical(horizontal) layout.

If I set the width of the v-verticallayout-slot-s to 100% in the browser everything works fine, I can normally resize the vertical layout and its children will be resized too.

I think the resizing of the VerticalLayout’s (HorizontalLayout’s) children should work normally with relative width (height), without any additional “relayout” call.

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Kelemen