jpacontainer vaadin 7 ClassNotFoundException: Property$ConversionException


i have a problem with jpacontainer and vaadin 7. I have a Menuentity like this:

@Table(name = "menu")
public class Menu extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {   // BaseEntity has id, uuid etc...

    @Column(name = "display_name", nullable = false, length = 45)
    private String displayName;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private short folder;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private int parent;

    @Column(nullable = false)
    private int position;

    @Column(name = "programm_name", length = 45)
    private String programmName;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "menu")
    private List<MenuRolle> menuRolles;

    public Menu() {
    getter ..... setter....

and a jpacontainersection like this:

ComboBox menuCB = new ComboBox();
menuContainer = JPAContainerFactory.makeReadOnly(Menu.class, dao.getEntityManager());
menuCB.setPropertyDataSource(new SingleSelectTranslator(menuCB));

and i get the following error: [com.vaadin.Application]
(http-localhost- Terminal error:: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/vaadin/data/Property$ConversionException

thank you!

It looks like Property.ConversionException has moved to Converter.ConversionException (and maybe changed a little) in Vaadin 7.

file a ticket
about this for JPAContainer, indicating that it applies to Vaadin 7.

Mentioning the ticket number here might also help others looking for the issue in the future.

ok i’ll file a bug! but is there any workaround for this behaviour?


I haven’t checked if there is some obstacle for it but IMO the Property could still have a deprecated alias for the ConversationException. That would make it more backwards compatible and add-on wouldn’t need a separate branch for Vaadin 7 (at least at this point).


here is the ticketnumber: