Vaadin 8.0.5 with Liferay 7.0 GA3


I want to develop some Vaadin 8 portlets for Liferay 7.0, and I found a maven archetype (vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet) V8.0.5, but it is for Liferay 6.2.

I created a sample project in Eclipse with the archetype mentioned above and I can deploy it to Liferay 7 without any errors.

When I load the page in the web browser I get an error message saying:

“Failed to load the bootstrap javascript: /o/com.example/VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js?v=8.0.5”

Is the archetype a good starting point to develop Vaadin 8 portlets for Liferay 7?

Secondly how do I fix the above JS issue?



I found the “Vaadin/ Liferay DXP / 7.0 compatibility pack” at

I build the liferay package which resulted in com.vaadin.liferay.distribution-8.0.5.lpkg file.

Copied to the my /deploy directory which deployed the it to /osgi/marketplace directory.

From the site:

"Note due the latest changes at Liferay 7.0 / DXP following deployment package is not complete to be deployed.

To workaround you need to unzip the com.vaadin.liferay.distribution-.lpkg and copy to the results to /osgi/modules folder.unzip org.liferay.vaadin7.compatibilitypack/target/com.vaadin.liferay.distribution-.lpkg -d /deploy"

I interpreted the above instructions as having to copy the jar files included in the com.vaadin.liferay.distribution-8.0.5.lpkg file to the /osgi/modules directory.

I restarted Liferay and when I reload the page with the sample Portlet created with the vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet V8.0.5 archetype I still get the JS error:

“Failed to load the bootstrap javascript: /o/com.example/VAADIN/vaadinBootstrap.js?v=8.0.5”

If using Liferay 7, you might also be interested in testing out the new OSGi and Liferay 7 support in Vaadin Framework 8.1, currently in the last pre-release stages.

Some parts of the documentation are still under review (drafts available:
general parts
Liferay specifics
with a link to a sample project).

I´m using Liferay DXP with Vaadin 8 with very good results. Our main problem is when we want to use a components that uses Javascripts. Some of the we could migrate to OSGi(e.g., d3gauge addon) but some are almost impossible…
Today, we used CKEditor in a web environment (Vaadin 7 and Vaadin 8). But when we want to migrate the CKEditor to Liferay DXP (Osgi environment) we have e lot of problemas.
The Widgetset is created and the ckeditor.js is read, but we get in the browser console an error ike this:
…ckeditor.js:98 GET http://localhost:7007/group/guest/config.js?t=I3I8 net::ERR_ABORTED

Any idea how can I use CKEditor add on inside the Liefary DXO (OSgi) environmet?