TwinColSelect sorted the Rightcolumn according to Leftcolumn - How can i st

When i select an item from LeftColumn of TwinColSelect field then RightColumn field is sorted automatically according to Leftcolumn field. Is it possible to stop sorting according to Leftcolumn? If possible how can i do that? my code is:

final protected TwinColSelect select; select = new TwinColSelect("selectCategories", categories); select.addValueChangeListener((event) -> { checkButtonState(nextButton); }); select.setItemCaptionPropertyId("name"); select.setLeftColumnCaption("LeftColumn"); select.setRightColumnCaption("RightColumn"); Here, categories is the data source.


I tried it out, but in my test, the items in the right column weren’t sorted, they appeared in the order that I added them. Can you elaborate a bit more?

Best regards,
