Vaadin Touchkit and License question


What I’d like to do is to create web application for a certain company. Now the question is about the license. Can I use AGPL license in this project ? If you need more information just ask and I’ll try to deliver it here :).

If I understood the AGPL correctly, it means that I need to make my source code available to anyone ? What about a situation when I sell this application to another company ? Do they need make it available either ?

I have one more question about performance on mobile devices. Does it work on every or most devices ?


With AGPL, you are obliged to provide the source of your entire product or service to all users of the product or service. The purpose of the license is to cover the “hole” in GPL that would let you provide a hosted service using GPL licensed software without publishing your sources to the users because GPL only requires you to do so when the actual software is distributed.

You have to provide the source to anyone who uses the software in any way.

If you sell the application, you are distributing it which means that you have to provide the source code to the buyer. Furthermore, the buyer is also obliged to provide the source to anyone who uses the application (or a derived work).

Touchkit is developed for the WebKit browsers integrated in iOS and Android which together cover more than 50% of the global mobile Internet usage. It will most likely not work without modifications in other mobile browsers, e.g. Opera Mobile or Firefox for Android nor on other operating systems, e.g. Windows Phone because they are not based on WebKit.

According to some statistics (e.g.
), the use of iOS and Android covers 85% of mobile browsing, although other statistics give somewhat conflicting results. Certainly they do cover the majority of use by reasonably modern phones. The older Opera versions still used by some phones are unlikely to be supported but if other browsers capture a significant market share, support for them will probably be added in TouchKit.

(Disclaimer: I am not in a position to make an official statement on this and the people who would be are on vacation at the moment.)

Hi, I am working on a small vaadin project for my personal use. It is more a small “get in touch with vaadin”-project but it has a certain practical value for me as well.
It is accessable over the internet (login-protection). Login is only granted to me.
Now I would like to implement a small mobile variant of this project, using Touchkit.

  1. Do I need to make my source code available, to use Touchkit without buying a license?
  2. As I am completely unfamiliar with open source projects: Do I need to share it in a network like e.g. Sourceforge and let other people modify my project?
  3. Do I need to add licensing information somewhere on my website (e.g. footer)?

As you will see from my questions, I am completely new to this.

  1. If you are the only user, you only need to make the source code available to yourself! :stuck_out_tongue: This basically means that you can do whatever you want and that you don’t need to care about anything stipulated by the license as long as the project is only in your personal use.

  2. AGPL and similar licenses do not require you to make the source code publicly available, it only requires you to make it available to users of the software. Section 6d in the
    license states that you should “offer equivalent access to the Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no further charge” and “maintain clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the Corresponding Source” to users of your service. Even if you don’t make the source publicly available, the users of the service are still themselves allowed to make the source that you provided them available in any way they want. You are not required to let other people make any changes to your version of the source, but they are still allowed to make their own changes and publish them wherever they want to (i.e. to fork you project).

  3. That’s the conventional way of following the requirements in section 6 and 13 of the AGPL. Another popular way is to provide some kind of “About” dialog in the UI of the actual application.


is Touchkit open source ?