Invient Charts - Vaadin 7


I really like the Invient Charts add-on, but it doesn’t support Vaadin 7 (yet).
Can anyone tell me if there are plans to port it to Vaadin 7, and perhaps an ETA?
Or perhaps some steps to perform to get the Vaadin 6 version running in Vaadin 7 alpha 3?

For a new project that I’m starting, I’d like to already start using Vaadin 7 aplha 3 so I don’t have to migrate too much when the final version is released, but I need those nice looking charts.


I don’t know anything about what plans the authors of Invient Charts have. What I do know is that the add-on is open source and that the quick and drity widget migration instructions in our
Migration guide
are likely to work with the add-on.

I start using vaadin6 just a few months ago, and I really need the invient charts to change to vaadin 7. So I decided to migrate the invient charts to vaadin 7 but I got stucked with this error during the compilation of the widgetsets:

<<< vaadin-maven-plugin:7.0.1:compile (default) @ tascaninvientcharts <<<

— vaadin-maven-plugin:7.0.1:compile (default) @ tascaninvientcharts —
auto discovered modules [com.invient.vaadin.InvientChartsDemoAppWidgetset, com.invient.vaadin.charts.InvientChartsWidgetset]

Compiling module com.invient.vaadin.InvientChartsDemoAppWidgetset
Validating units:
Errors in ‘file:/Users/gisela/development/workspaces/vaadin/head/tascaninvientcharts/target/classes/com/invient/vaadin/charts/’
Line 83: No source code is available for type com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Line 586: No source code is available for type com.vaadin.ui.Component.Event; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Line 608: No source code is available for type com.vaadin.ui.Component; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Line 3718: No source code is available for type java.util.Calendar; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Line 3718: No source code is available for type java.util.GregorianCalendar; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Errors in ‘file:/Users/gisela/development/workspaces/vaadin/head/tascaninvientcharts/target/classes/com/invient/vaadin/charts/’
Line 498: No source code is available for type com.invient.vaadin.charts.Paint; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Line 1321: No source code is available for type com.invient.vaadin.charts.Color; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Aborting compile due to errors in some input files


Any suggestions are welcome :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance

Have you tried “vaadin charts” add-on , it uses Highcharts and as I understand it, the vaadin chartls license also includes the $300+ license for Highcharts that you should still pay if you use Highcharts via Invient Charts.

It should be a simple port from Invient Charts to Vaadin charts.

I will give it a try :wink:

Thx for the suggestion.