Notification not working in IE 11

Hi Anyone experiencing this ?

The Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE and Notification.Type.WARNING aren’t poping up in IE but works fine in Chrome ?
Any work arounds anyone has come up with Vaadin 7.7.7“Works in chrome not in IE”, Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE);“Works in chrome and IE”, Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE);

I tried to test this in one of my “real applications”, and I can’t reproduce it. So you probably have something in your theme for example, which interferes Notifications. At least I would check that first and after that checking other possibilities.

Firstly thanks for the repsonse I"m on the valo theme. I removed all my theme customizations and valo, reindeer and runo still no luck messing with the themeing. Any other ideas ?


Does the vaadin sampler demo notifications work in IE11 for you?

IS there a place in the sampler that does
Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); can’t find it online the HUMANIZED messages work fine online and in my project its just the .ERROR_MESSAGE that fails

Apologies ! Found it and yes…it works. OK now I’ve got to figure out what the hell I’m doing that’s breakin it in IE on my side. What version is the sampler online running on ?

OK for future reference if there’s anyone that runs into the same problem the issue is.
The code read like this

        getUI().getPage().open("http://" + result, "_blank", true);
        if ( result.toLowerCase().contains("error"))
  "Download has begun", Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE);

Chrome seemed to ignore the invalid url and continue whereas IE opening the invalid URL caused subsequent operations on the page to fail. Moved the .open method to work only if url was valid and sorted the problem out. Hope this helps someone. Thanks for the assistance provided it really helped me troubleshoot this.