Simple polymer injection

Hi all

Im just beginning in VAADIN and trying to make a simple test to include polymer elements, but im going wrong

Did you already get this error ?

Thanks for your help

com.vaadin.ui.declarative.DesignException: Unknown tag: paper-input
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="import" href="VAADIN/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html">

    <v-vertical-layout spacing>
        <v-label><h3>Sign In</h3></v-label>
        <v-horizontal-layout spacing>
            <v-text-field immediate caption="Email" _id="emailField" />
            <v-password-field caption="Password" _id="passwordField" :expand :left/>
        <v-button style-name="primary" _id="signInButton">Sign In</v-button>
        <paper-input label="text input"></paper-input>
public class Login extends VerticalLayout {
    public Login(){;


The document you get from Designer isn’t really a HTML page even though it might look like it. It’s just a textual representation that will be parsed turned into Java bytecode. There are ways to include Polymer elements into your Vaadin app, but it’s a bit more complicated than that. If you’re using Vaadin 7, see
for an example. In Vaadin 8, you should be able to use the @HtmlImport annotation, see
and the HTML imports section.

Hope this helps,


I tryed to use @HtmlImport annotation inside Liferay DXP :
But I received the following exception:
17:50:01,882 WARN [http-nio-7007-exec-10]

{code=“404”, msg=“ProxyServlet: /vaadin-8.1.0/VAADIN/bower_components/vaadin-combo-box/vaadin-combo-box.html”, uri=/o/vaadin-8.1.0/VAADIN/bower_components/vaadin-combo-box/vaadin-combo-box.html}

Of course the Combo box is never shown. Any idea how can I fiz the path.