[SOLVED] Vaadin 6.3.0 problem

Hi, i have a problem since my upgrade.

I get the following error message, but the only changes i made was to update VAADIN and GWT jars ! I don’t touch the source code of my application !

The message : "
Communication problemTake note of any unsaved data, and click here to continue

Debug details :
Vaadin application servlet version: 6.3.0
Widget set is built on version: 6.3.0
Application version: NONVERSIONED
Warning: widgetset version 6.3.0 does not seem to match theme version 6_3_0
inserting load indicator
Making UIDL Request with params: init
Server visit took 140ms
Communication error: UIDL could not be read from server. Check servlets mappings. Error code: 404

You can see the problem at the following URL :

Thanks for your help !!!

The UIDL request cannot be read from the server. Make sure your servlet mappings are correct as the error message suggests. http://proresil.ch/Test/UIDL should not return 404 not found

Thanks, it’s really a problem and i can’t find it !

I have many applications in a web server.

The server is like following :

  + www
     |-- Test
        |-- VAADIN
           |-- themes
           |-- widgetsets
        |-- WEB-INF
           |-- classes
           |-- lib
           |-- web.xml
     |-- Test2
        |-- VAADIN
           |-- themes
           |-- widgetsets
        |-- WEB-INF
           |-- classes
           |-- lib
           |-- web.xml

In this example i have 2 Vaadin applications named TEST and TEST2.

My web.xml file for one project TEST :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">
<web-app id="ProResilTest" version="1.0">
                <description>ProResil production mode</description>
                        <description>Proresil application class to start</description>
                        <description>Application widgetset</description>

Thanks by advance for your help !!!

YES I have the same problem, my portlet is showing in my
with the next error

–ERROR pop up

Communication problem

Take note of any unsaved data, and click here to continue.

UIDL could not be read from server. Check servlets mappings. Error code: 4

In my localhost:8080/myproject/ i can see the portlet working correctly. :slight_smile:

But i need it working good without errors in my app in liferay 6.2 specifically

I thought that the problem is the
context path
of the project but my context path was changed from “/myproject” to "/’

This is my servlet 3.0

@WebServlet(value = {"/*"}, asyncSupported = true)
@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = MyprojectUI.class)
public static class MyprojectUIServlet extends VaadinServlet {

What can i do ?

Im using vaadin 7.1.1 tomcat 7.42 liferay 6.2

What is the solution for this issue? I am seeing it too using tomcat 6.39, vaadin 7.2.3