Sample navigable app

Hi Community/Vaadin :slight_smile:

Is there a sample available on how to create a “navigable” Vaadin7 application?
I want to have unique urls (as http://myapp/win1, http://myapp/win2) to some of the parts/windows of my Vaadin7 application - and just have no clue where to start.

Any help appreciated!!


I found a sample vaadin7 application over here:

look in comments

Still looking for a sample that makes use of urls for windows in the browsers navigation bar…

Vaadin 7 alpha 3 will also have some higher level support for navigability.
You can find an API draft

Note that URI fragments (after “#”) are better than URLs without them as a fragment change does not require a full page reload but other URL changes do. See Root.setFragment(…) etc. for fragment management in alpha 2.

Looks like the first examples are live then:
. Will check out the fragment concept then soon…