Combobox initial selection error

The combo box on initial focus opens overlay with only one result displaying. If user attempts to click result showing an error of ‘Iron List should be a valid item’ logs in the console. If you begin typing, or insert a space and remove it to have the full overlay result list shown this problem doesn’t seem to exist.

the array being assigned to ‘items’ (for the overlay list) is being populated from a Firebase query and does have all data when the situation above is performed.

[/b]Node version: 6.6.0
Polymer version: ‘^1.2.0’
Vaadin-combo-box version: ‘^1.1.4’

If useful, here is the implementation for the combobox:

    <vaadin-combo-box label="{{fieldLabel}}"

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!

Can you check that is your {{items}} an array of strings [“ab”, “cd”…]
or an array of objects? If it is objects, you would need also to provide item-label-path and item-value-path attributes to the combo-box. If that doesn’t solve the issue can you provide a plunker/jsbin example where it can be reproduced?