Panel inside VerticalLayout in TabSheet display issue

I have a TabSheet with each tabs containing the components wrapped as per the below code. When I choose a different tab its content is not displayed, however, on browser refresh the corresponding tab’s content is displayed properly.

public class MyRoot extends  Root {
	protected void init(WrappedRequest request) {
	private void createTabs() {
		TabSheet t = new TabSheet();
		t.addTab(getDummy("Content A"), "A");
		t.addTab(getDummy("Content B"), "B");
		t.addTab(getDummy("Content C"), "C");

	private AbstractComponent getDummy(String txt) {
		Panel panel = new Panel();
		VerticalLayout l1 = new VerticalLayout();
		Panel panel2 = new Panel();
		Label c = new Label(txt);
		return panel;

But if I modify the getDummy method as below then it works fine.

private AbstractComponent getDummy(String txt) {
		Panel panel = new Panel();
		VerticalLayout l1 = new VerticalLayout();
		Label c = new Label(txt);
		return panel;

As I need the contents of VerticalLayout to be scrollable I think I will need panel2. Is there any way to deal with this issue?


Hi, try the alpha2 version. I think this bug was fixed yesterday :slight_smile:

Thanks Artur, Its working fine now.

This bug seems to be back.

The content of a Panel inside a TabSheet is not being displayed.