TextualDateFieldState changes not picked up

I am made some chagnes in a fork of github 6.7 to com.vaadin.shared.ui.datefield.TextualDateFieldState and com.vaadin.ui.DateField. In eclipse everything compiles fine, both in the IDE and when running. ide.xml

But when I try to package by running ant from my main directory, DateField doesn’t see my changes anymore:

Compiling 1 source file to d:\code\git\vaadin\server\result\classes
warning: [options]
bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with
-source 1.6
d:\code\git\vaadin\server\src\com\vaadin\ui\DateField.java:332: erro
r: cannot find symbol
computeDateRangeType(newStartDateList, getState(false).endRa
symbol: variable endRangeList
location: class TextualDateFieldState

What am I missing here?