License issue with upgrading from Java 7 to Java 8

I have been trying to upgrade from Java 7 to Java 8, but when trying to compile with Java 8 as target 1.8 vaadin-maven-plugin fails to find the vaadin charts license which it has no issues finding when compiling as target 1.7.
Vaadin version used: 7.3.8, tried using the latest 7.6.1 didn’t resolve the issue.





License for Vaadin Charts 2 not found. Go to for more details.





Failed to execute goal com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:7.3.8:compile

Best Regards,
Martins Torsters

Hi Martins!

I tried this out by changing one of my project’s pom.xml to:

<project.source.version>1.8</project.source.version> <>1.8</> Compilation of widgetset went through without problems and I used a bit of Java 8 features as well.

I guess we need some more info to debug. Do you have the license key as a file in your home folder or defined it through a property or something? Does other add-ons work? Could you test with a new project; generate with vaadin-archetype-application, upgrade to Java 8 and add charts.

Sorry for asking you to do these, but I don’t have much advice to give as it works for me. Hopefully we can find the reason soon!


Just a thought, could this be because of a stale unit-cache left over from when you compiled with Java 7.

If you run mvn clean and ensure the target directory does not contain any gwt-unitCache directory and then re-compile does it work better?

Yeah its a wierd one.
I have the key file in home directory, hasn’t been moved, the changes in pom file were before made aswell(including project settings etc ). Other projects/add-ons which uses vaadin compile without any kind of errors, this is the only one that fails to compile(also the only one which uses charts).
I will try clearing cache/getting rid off any kind of gwt related cache and compile a new project, hopefully will fix it, will let you know if/when/how its fixed.