Vaadin with Liferay 4

We are planning to use the latest version of Vaadin with our future release based on Liferay 6,
Meanwhile I have been asked to make a demo of a Vaadin integration with our current platform that runs in Liferay 4.
Do you know if Vaadin (any version) supports Liferay 4?
Currently i am dealing with this exception:
Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.PropsUtil
This is fair since there is no PropsUtil class in my portal-service.jar, it’s only in earlier versions of liferay.


Managed to get it working by updating the portal-service.jar with the necessary classes, the rest is default JSR168 portlet config for Vaadin.

Right now the portlet is not instanceable.
While inspecting the generated source code i noticed the default widgetset does not load for the second portlet.

I copied the VAADIN folder inside ROOT/html and made the proper modifications in web.xml VaadinServlet /VaadinApp/* VaadinServlet /VAADIN/* Also added: # Path under which the VAADIN directory is located. # (/html is the default so it is not needed.) vaadin.resources.path=/html # Portal-wide widget set vaadin.widgetset=com.vaadin.terminal.gwt.DefaultWidgetSet to my file

Found my answer on the forums:

Multiple instances of the same Vaadin portlet on a single portal page are possible when using Portlet 2.0. In that case, you can e.g. on Liferay define your portlets as instanceable in liferay-portlet.xml. Portlet 1.0 Vaadin applications do not support running multiple instances of a portlet on a page.