I am not able to add an add-on using maven

I have read some guides and several threads of this forum.
I would like to use a vaadin addon in my vaadin maven project.
It seems easy to me:

  1. add the dependency to the pom.xml
  2. use the new widget in my java code.

But it fails obviously because gwt needs to be recompiled.

But I have not found a real guide that shows me how recompile it using maven.

Can you help me?



If you create a project with maven using the maven-archetype you will get a part in your pom (probably commented out) where you see how you can recompile your widgetset. If you want to do it manually in eclipse (for development purposes) just activate the vaadin-plugin in your project facets (you must have the vaadin plugin installed in eclipse).

Hope that helps,

Thanks for reply,

  1. if I uncomment the part of the pom for widget compilation all I get is a message like “there is no new gwt widget to compile” (I am not on my workstation now)
  2. vaadin plugin if I press ctrl+6 tells me to select a gwt.xml or a vaadin project to compile.

Thanks again,

Did you create the widgetset definition file ?
There is a guide for maven in
the book
, see chapter 14.5.2.