marker clusters with Vaadin

HI All,

I am trying to implement the marker clusters functionality with vaadin frame work.
is there a possiblity in vaadin to do that as googple maps marker cluster.


Do you try to integrate the WebComponent of google-map and google-map-markerclusterer with Vaadin 10 (Flow)?

Because I try to do this integration but I’va a lot of doubts and problem for achieve the goal. :frowning:

For Vaadin 8, there is a MarkerCluster extension for the V-Leaflet plugin: (and Leaflet can have any underlying map, including Google Maps).

Also check the GitHub repository at . There are numerous tests that explain the use of the plugin.

@Jakob Handrick: Thanks for the reply!
Actually I search a way for using the new features of Vaadin 10 for manage the GoogleMaps in my WebApplication.

For the moment I don’t find any “easy solution”. Seems that there are the WebComponents for use GoogleMaps but also seems that not exist the Java API for the server-side part.

During my test I’ve encountered (and I really think) that the “google-map” and “google-map-markerclusterer” are not thinked for an easy creation of Java API.