Integrating GWT-Cal to Vaadin as a Vaadin Component

Hello everyone!

This is my first post. I have mediocre knowledge on the Vaadin Platform.

One of my requirements in building a Vaadin Application is to create an advanced callendar application. So I have discovered the gwt-cal (which can be found here : which fits my needs perfectly. Thus, I would to create a Vaadin component which actually is using similar functionality or the gwt-cal itself. The functionality that i am looking for is similar with the following snipset

Panel p = new Panel();

p.addComponent(new GWTCalendar());


Any help would be appreciated.

Thx in advance!



I made a quick experiment and I think it easier to pass you with the source code along trying to explain what is needed. So, see attached files first.

Used the gwt-cal version 0.8.2 and followed the instructions here:

Assuming you are using Vaadin with Eclipse:

  • Create a new Vaadin Eclipse Project
  • Create a new Vaadin widget
  • Put calendar.jar to WEB-INF/lib
  • Edit the project widgetset (the CalendarWidgetset.gwt.xml file) to inherit the the package
  • Implement VCalendar (client-side) and Calendar (server-side) classes. Try to keep the state at the server-side.
  • Design a good API for the Calendar class and implement a small sample application :slight_smile:

As you might guess, this quick widget integration here does not do much (just shows the calendar), but it should help you to get further with the integration. I put some TODO notes into code along the way. (4.63 KB)

Hey Sami.

Thank you very much for the fast reply!

I ll try it as soon as i can and i keep you posted.

Thx again.

Thanks Sami!
I’m going to use this guide for others components!

Sami, the widget came out beautifuly!

Thx for your help!

Now, I ll look into how I can make it functional (Adding appointments etc…).

Thx again for your time!


Hi George,

Have you managed to get any further with creating a Vaadin component based on the gwt-cal widget?



Thanks for a wonderful instruction, I tried this with a different gwt component (, and it doesn’t seem to work, only show the default theme background. However, using it in a GWT application works as expected.

Are there any restriction in Vaadin on dealing with this particular component?

Many thanks,