Vaadin 14 - how to use jQuery Plugins?

I am not attempting to integrate Trumbowyg, it has been integrated quite seemlessly in previous Vaadin versions, when no pre-made Rich Text Editor existed. Right now I am simply trying to update the application from Bower mode to NPM mode. There is no business or technical reason for that, I am just trying to stay current. If Bower mode were supported into the future, I wouldn’t do that, because I’ve long been a fan of the simplicity of webjars.

Yep, it works with the @JsModule annotations when using SVG icons. I’ll check if I can change my application to use SVG icons.

However, using webfonts with Vaadin in NPM mode is still unsolved. But we’ve managed to whittle down the problematic use cases to those, where a webfont is distributed with the application (such as a custom company font). Many thanks for the help so far.