Unable to get Vaadin project to compile after computer reinstalation


My previous answer was not very good, sorry about that. The vaadin-archetype-application Maven archetype assumes that you use the default widgetset, and you have to make some modifications to make things work.

  1. In the pom.xml, change the dependency “vaadin-client-compiled” → “vaadin-client”.
  2. Then you need to provide the “gwt.xml” file, since your project contains client-side code. This file goes in the “resources” folder. The path to the file should match the package structure (in this case it would become something like “resource/com/example/vcweb/widgetset/VcWebWidgetSet.gwt.xml”).
  3. Then you need to add an annotation to the UI to use the widgetset @Widgetset(“com.example.vcweb.widgetset.VcWebWidgetSet”)

After that compiling with maven “mvn vaadin:compile” should compile the widgetset. A new version of the Vaadin plugin will do the same thing (the old Ivy based one will not work).

The WebContent folder isn’t generated by the archetype. It is something that Eclipse has done. The project might have the wrong facet or something that makes Eclipse generate it. Stuff in there will not be used when building with Maven as far as I know. The folder “webapp” should be used instead.

Eclipse should be able to deploy these projects just as the old one, just add to server.

Hope this helps,