Time Picker component not visible in production Profile

As you can see I tried different things already

See here: Discord

I tried that too


If this @LoadDependenciesOnStartup didn’t work then you should probably create another topic with more information

about how the datapicker is added in your view

Its worth to note that I am using Jetty, with VaadinBoot: https://github.com/mvysny/vaadin-boot

And if you have a sample to reproduce that would help

Just noticed this warnings in the console:

2024-03-11 13:25:48.998 [] ERROR com.vaadin.flow.component.internal.UIInternals - The component class com.vaadin.flow.component.datetimepicker.DateTimePickerTimePicker includes '@vaadin/time-picker/src/vaadin-time-picker.js' but this file was not included when creating the production bundle. The component will not work properly. Check that you have a reference to the component and that you are not using it only through reflection. If needed add a @Uses(DateTimePickerTimePicker.class) where it is used.
2024-03-11 13:25:48.999 [] ERROR com.vaadin.flow.component.internal.UIInternals - The component class com.vaadin.flow.component.datetimepicker.DateTimePickerDatePicker includes '@vaadin/date-picker/src/vaadin-date-picker.js' but this file was not included when creating the production bundle. The component will not work properly. Check that you have a reference to the component and that you are not using it only through reflection. If needed add a @Uses(DateTimePickerDatePicker.class) where it is used.
2024-03-11 13:25:49.000 [] ERROR com.vaadin.flow.component.internal.UIInternals - The component class com.vaadin.flow.component.datetimepicker.DateTimePicker includes '@vaadin/date-time-picker/src/vaadin-date-time-picker.js' but this file was not included when creating the production bundle. The component will not work properly. Check that you have a reference to the component and that you are not using it only through reflection. If needed add a @Uses(DateTimePicker.class) where it is used.

Ill try that out

I ran the prepare-frontend and build-frontent maven tasks and after that it seems to work