Switch Component

I don’t know about the plans but in my opinion using the new Vaadin 7 features for integrating Gwt widgets and Javascript you should easily be able to just find a library containing a gwt- or javascript-Switch component you like and integrate it yourself.
Check out the wiki for that:
Vaadin 7 Wiki

Hi Marius Reinwald,
How to use switch component in vaadin 7?

I don’t know if it is still necessary but in a quick break i made this rough port to Vaadin 7 (i worked with 7.3.5 when porting; no other versions tested). It just has basic functionality (Listener if value switch is flipped; flipping the switch programmatically; getter/setter for the Switch’s value). SwitchComp is the “new” component, SwitchupdateUI is a small example on how to use it and “switchupdate” is the theme that includes the style of the Switch.

I’m gonna say that i won’t continue working on the component. Any more functionality you might need you have to add yourself but the source code should give a good foundation. Most of the code is directly taken from the old Vaadin 6 source code (mainly the style.css which is almost a complete copy and the Widget class which was modified to suit the V7 communication. Other classes are mostly remade).

The source code is in the attachements. It’s just source code, so it can’t be directly imported as a project or as an external library. Either add the source code in the build path or create a new project, copy the code inside the new project, compile widgetset and such. Now you should be able to work with it, maybe even package it as a library if you want to.

If you need a “finished” and always supported Switch component you should use the one in Touchkit instead. This is just meant to be for the ones who can’t/don’t want to use Touchkit.

Hope this helps someone.
17489.zip (35.7 KB)

It seems that there really is a need to officially convert this add-on for Vaadin 7, so I finally took the time to upgrade Switch for Vaadin 7. The version 2.0.1 is now available at

Please notice that the latest version requires Vaadin 7.2+

Let me know if you find any bugs by commenting here or opening an issue on

Hi ,
Switch state_changer = new Switch(“”, false);
state_changer.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() {
public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
am using above code in vaadin 7.3.3 My client side shows only checkbox

Have you compiled the widgetset? Please verify that your widgetset contains the Switch component.

For detailed instructions see:



i compiled the widgetset then also the same problem occurs

did you managed to show the images on the component? I still see the common checkboxes.

L.E.: I’m using it with vaadin 7.2.4

Checkbox appears in place of a Switch when the client-side implementation of the Switch component is missing from the widgetset. Please verify following things:

  1. The widgetset is compiled and the following line appears in the compilation output:
Visiting SwitchConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor
  1. The widgetset of your application (*.gwt.xml file) inherits the add-on with the following line:
<inherits name="org.vaadin.teemu.switchui.SwitchComponentWidgetset" /> 

An example of the application widgetset can be found in the demo application:

Thanks for the reply. But because your suggestion still did’t helped me solving the issue, something else needs to be checked. So, before looking into the possible issues, here are a few excerts from the build log:

[INFO] Visiting SwitchConnector with ConnectorInitVisitor [INFO] SwitchConnector will be in the eager bundle [INFO] Will serialize class org.vaadin.teemu.switchui.client.SwitchState as a bean The entries in my generated widgetset.xml file are correct, meaning that the component is found and the build log is certifying the clientside build has occured:

<inherits name="org.vaadin.teemu.wizards.WizardsforvaadinWidgetset" />
 <inherits name="org.vaadin.teemu.switchui.SwitchComponentWidgetset" />

I’ve tried the component with a sample maven project is is displayed just fine, but my problem comes when I am trying to use it in a real-world existing application. So, do you have some hints on what else to debug or check in my app?

Hmm, in that case I’m running out of ideas. Have you tried to use any other add-ons with client-side widgets in the real-world project? The Wizards for Vaadin mentioned in your snippet doesn’t have any client-side code, so that probably works fine.

I found out … my mistake :frowning: .
But for the sake of other developers benefit, I’ll tell the story: my
is actually containing many "
vaadin applications
" in it, therefore in the web.xml I had separate init params for each vaadin servlet. Obviously, for one of the application (with the new addon), the widgetset reference was not valid for some reason. Correcting that it also corrected the add-on display.

later update:
there is still one thing still not functioning as expected: the animation and the button face image is not updated on clicks for styles other than

Hi teemu, I noticed that if you place a Switch in a Table’s generatedcell, it will not function correctly.
Setting the initial value does not render the correct UX in the client as it always displays as “ON”. Value change correctly changes and sets the db value.

        public Component generateCell(final Table source, final Object itemId, final Object columnId) {
            final Property property = source.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty(columnId);
            Boolean selected = property != null ? (Boolean)property.getValue() : false;
             Switch switchComponent = new Switch("", selected);
             switchComponent.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener(){ ...}
             return switchComponent;

Even if manually set it to false, it displays as “ON”

public Component generateCell(final Table source, final Object itemId, final Object columnId) {

         Switch switchComponent = new Switch("", false);
         return switchComponent;

[/code]Example, all switches are set to false. The first two are in a table and the last is added to the layout.

Finally, for testing purpose, I switched the Switch to a CheckBox and it renders as expected with initial values. So I assume it is something with the js and drawing.

Hi Teemu –

It would be great to use the component in a Table/Grid, can you please assist to make this work ?


Hi Teemu,

I am using the switch in a grid’s DetailsGenerator → same problem like the guys before :frowning:
The switch shows always “on”.

Best regards,


I just created an issue in GitHub:
Switch does not work inside Table or Grid

  • Teemu

Thanks Teemu. I have the same problem and i will follow the issue :slight_smile:

In my case i have a switch in a table cell. It works till i delete a row using


After that all switchers in a table are set to default state and freeze.


just released Switch version 2.0.3, which fixes the issue of using Switch inside Table.


Please let me know if you still have any issues with the component.

Is it possible to make the toggle work veritcally (up/down rather than left/right) via CSS?

I need to implement a toggle like the one in the attached image. Our UI designer provided the CSS below but I need to use a Vaadin component and I can’t figure out a way to marry the two. Any suggestions?

.togglebox input{ display:none; }
.togglebox{ display:inline-block; border:1px solid #BBB; width:20px; height:41px; position:relative; border-radius:5px; color:#FFF; font-weight:bold; overflow:hidden; box-shadow:0 1px 0 #CCC; }
.togglebox label{ width:20px; height:40px; line-height:200%; border-radius:5px; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:1; font-size:1.1em; cursor:pointer; -webkit-transition:height 0.3s; -moz-transition:height 0.3s; transition:height 0.3s; }
.togglebox span{ position:absolute; top:-1110px; }

.togglebox label::before{ content:' '; width:20px; height:20px; float:left; margin-top:00px; padding-top:20px; padding-right:13px; text-align:center; background:#33d3b8; text-shadow:0 -1px 0px #093B5C; box-shadow:0 4px 5px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) inset; }

.togglebox label b{ display:block; height:20px; width:20px; float:left; position:relative; z-index:1; border:1px solid #AAA; background:#F6F6F6; box-shadow:0 4px 0 -2px #F1F1F1 inset, 0 2em 2em -2em #AAA inset, 0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,.5); border-radius:5px; margin-top:-20px; margin-left:-1px; }
.togglebox label:hover b{ background:#E5E5E5; }
.togglebox label::after{ content:' '; width:20px; float:left;height:50px; margin-top:5px; padding-top:45px; padding-left:0px; text-align:center; background:#3f8ecc; box-shadow:0 4px 5px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.3) inset; margin-top:-20px;}
.togglebox input:checked ~ label{ top:-20px; }
.togglebox { transition: all 3s; }
.togglebox input{ transition: all 3s; }
