Spring integration helper class

Hi, Archie.

Is there any particular reason why org.dellroad.stuff.vaadin7.VaadinApplication is not implementing Serializable?

No. I don’t use serialization myself so the need hasn’t come up. It should be easy to add.

Do you happen to have a patch handy that you have tested out?


Archie, not currently, but I will work on one this week. It is not a big issue, I just don’t want my Tomcat production instance administrator to be scared by some random exceptions :slight_smile:

Hi Archie, I used your great addon successfully with Vaadin 6. But now I have to move to Vaadin 7. Is is supposed to work with 7.1.3? I cannot get it to work. I tried your sample application on github but that gives me an NPE in HelloUI when trying to access the HelloWorld bean, which should have been autowired at this point.
And by the way, how could I use the whole thing without autowiring? I prefer using the traditional approach via XML only and I have no idea how the UI class could get it’s properties then.
Best Regards

It should work find with Vaadin 7.1.3. I just updated the demo to pull that version. When I run the demo locally it works fine.

Try updating from github and see if that helps.

Sure, autowiring is not required. Just define whatever beans you want in the Vaadin application’s XML file (in the demo, that’s the


Thanks Archie, using your git demo from scratch using pure ant/ivy worked now on 7.1.3 as well.
Must have been a problem with my manual eclipse setup.
Nevermind me asking :slight_smile:

Hi Alexander,
don’t know if you still have problems to get it to run in eclipse.
I had similiar problems. After adding the dellroad-stuff jar to the aspectj Aspect Path (AspectJ tools->Configure AspectJ Build Path), it worked.

Hi everyone,

It’s my first time on this forum.

Did you think about using
mechanism to add spring autowire capabilities?
You can have a look at a really simple example that uses this solution on github:

Yes, that’s very simple. But you don’t get per-session application contexts… only the servlet-context scoped context.

I’ve fixed few issues in

In current version, management of application’s lifecycle is left to vaadin.
The only customization is responsible for creating new (autowired) application instance.

Could you give me an example where this solution doesn’t work properly.

Hello, I’m trying to implement spring in a other addon, but I’m not getting because it is not found the path of bean jar I want to instantiate.
I wanted to know if this addon I solved this problem.
It works on another addon? this proven?
From already thank you very much
