SideNav highlighter Problem

the MainLayout is @Slf4j public class MainLayout extends AppLayout implements BrowserWindowResizeListener, AfterNavigationListener {

You have to implement AfterNavigationObserver.

AfterNavigationListener is a global listener that should be registered to the UI

this one worked but the main problem still persists

this is not iterating the child items recursively


                .filter(sideNavItem -> null != sideNavItem.getPath())
                .filter(sideNavItem -> sideNavItem.getParent().isPresent())
                .filter(sideNavItem -> {
                            log.warn("current path is {}", sideNavItem.getPath());
                            return afterNavigationEvent.getLocation().getPath().equals(sideNavItem.getPath());
                .ifPresentOrElse(sideNavItem -> {
                    log.warn("current path is {}", sideNavItem.getPath());
                }, () -> {
                    log.warn("current path not matching with sideNavItem is {}", afterNavigationEvent.getLocation().getPath());

and this is how the parent and child are created

        expenses.addItem(new SideNavItem("NewExpense", ExpensesForm.class));```

You can recurse on SideNavItem.getItems() and when you find the active item, call getParent to expand all parent SideNavItem

I’ll let Vaadin does this instead since this is a required feature

Here is the one I could make ```public SideNavItem findSideNavItem(List sideNavItems, String path) {
for (SideNavItem sideNavItem : sideNavItems) {
if (null != sideNavItem.getPath() && sideNavItem.getPath().equals(path)) {
return sideNavItem;

        if (sideNavItem.getChildren().count() > 0) {
            SideNavItem matchedChild = findSideNavItem(sideNavItem.getItems(), path);
            if (matchedChild != null) {
                SideNavItem item = (SideNavItem) matchedChild.getParent().get();
                return matchedChild;

    return null;

if someone has a better solution, please reply here