RegexpValidator failing for all of my Vaadin 6-style form fields using Conv

I guess I’m a bit confused on how to proceed with this. My object has a perfectly good String representation, and the Converter handles this well (though automatic in Vaadin 6 via toString() and a constructor that takes a string).

But the validator is attempting to convert the string to my object type BEFORE it’s been validated, and if the value entered into the TextField is not valid, it cannot even create my model object. I need to check the string version held in the TextField first. This is particularly an issue because of my object can only hold values 0 and 1, for example, and the user enters 2, the object cannot be created, and then on validation failure it then attempts to take the bad object and convert it to a string for the text field. I must be missing something about how this is done in Vaadin 7 since this worked like a charm in Vaadin 6.