OpenLayers 3 Wrapper for Vaadin

You could try to get the latest snapshot version of the wrapper from github. I added some more support for different vector sources but haven’t tested it well enough to publish a new version in directory.


ok! I’vll give it at try. Thanks!

is there any option for showing a tooltip when hovering with the mouse over a feature?

I’ve not found one yet - but I’d use it in a heartbeat if it were implemented! :slight_smile:

That’s unfortunate, but I can find another solution I guess :slight_smile:

Another question:
I have implemented a FeatureModificationListener. As it appears, the ModificationListener fires while I am still dragging a feature (it fires if a hold the mouse still for a second). Is there an option to only fire once I release the mouse button? Or how else could I detect that the feature drag has been finished (e.g. mouse button released)?


Does anybody has a (example) implementation for adding Google maps layer for this add on?

How can I make that popup?



Any ideas regarding this point?
I want to perform some action as soon as the user finishes dragging a feature. However I cannot detect when the dragging is finished, as the FeatureModificationListener already fires when the mouse movement is paused for too long.

I am also new to OL, is there any info about basic stuff, I am looking into source code but i can’t figure out how to add clicklistener to an marker, popup window, how to define marker cluster or so, is there anything about this?

Hi Matti,

I have set up a local tile server for a solo country in Ubuntu.

Now I have examined the examples in your project in github, but I couldn’t find a way to connect to my local tile server. Is there any option to do this ?


I have a problem with run maps on Demo example. OpenStreetMap not loading - show in attachment.

The problem is non-loading map with openlayers in version 3.9, which is included in this wrapper.
When I update openlayers into 3.20.1 version I have other error:

VM156:10134 Uncaught TypeError: h.Id is not a function at (eval at Yud (org.vaadin.AppWidgetSet-0.js:NaN), <anonymous>:10134:110) at (eval at Yud (org.vaadin.AppWidgetSet-0.js:NaN), <anonymous>:10306:115) at W.l.Kn (eval at Yud (org.vaadin.AppWidgetSet-0.js:NaN), <anonymous>:12042:16) at oi.f (eval at Yud (org.vaadin.AppWidgetSet-0.js:NaN), <anonymous>:3914:16) Can anyone help?


OK, I found problem.
If someone want to run demo app, should change this line:

private OLSource createTileSource() { return new OLMapQuestSource(OLMapQuestLayerName.OSM); } to:

private OLSource createTileSource()
return new OLOSMSource();

You should find this:

private OLSource createTileSource()
return new OLMapQuestSource(OLMapQuestLayerName.OSM);

and replace with:

private OLSource createTileSource()
return new OLOSMSource();


I downloaded v-ol3 1.3 for Vaadin 7 by adding the dependency to pom.xml (the repository was already there.):


What more do i need to get the add-on? My project is seeing only some of the types but not all.

Eg. org.vaadin.addon.vol3.layer.OLTileLayer, org.vaadin.addon.vol3.client.source.OLMapQuestLayerName, etc are there but not org.vaadin.addon.vol3.source.OLMapQuestSource.

What am i missing!?

new to OSM and maps-- please bear with me. not that old on Vaadin, either.

I made some code to made the possible to have The HDMS format on MousepositionControl.
Where i can send it ?





I try to modify at least the styles for OLSelectInteraction. It does not work. What is wrong, if I add in the demoandtestapp in InteractionMap

private OLSelectInteraction createSelectInteraction(){

// >>>
OLSelectInteractionOptions opts = new OLSelectInteractionOptions();
OLStyle style = new OLStyle();
OLStrokeStyle strokeStyle = new OLStrokeStyle();
strokeStyle.color = “rgb(255,0,0)”;
style.strokeStyle = strokeStyle;
List styles = new ArrayList<>();
styles.add(style); opts.setStyles(styles);

final OLSelectInteraction select = new OLSelectInteraction(opts);

I think, I should see red lines, but they still behave in theire standard mode blue.

My aim is to modify also the selection mode (adding and removing without shift), but this is then the next question. There isn’t any functionality in the wrapper therefore. But it seems to be easy to add it, if the connector basic functionality would work.

Can somebody help?

Best regards, Wolf

Hi Matt,
thank for your plugin, it’s very userfull.
Can you help me to understand how add to map a multipolygon?


Fabio C.:
Hi Matt,
thank for your plugin, it’s very userfull.
Can you help me to understand how add to map a multipolygon?


Hi Fabio,

Please have a look []
(http://) for examples.
