OpenLayers 3 Wrapper for Vaadin


I’m using your add-on in my project. And now the map is not showing up. There is a message from MapQuest: “As it July 11, 2016, direct tile access has been discontinued”.

Yes - the MapQuest tile service stopped direct tile access for free. The demos at the OpenLayers website look exactly the same. I will update my demos to use some other tile source. It seems the MapQuest is now endorsing some other libraries to be used with their data. See:
for more details.


I was able to set a url for a OLTileWMSSource (sourceOptions.setUrl(“gateway/wms”)
but now I got stuck when trying do the same with OLVectorSource.
It seems like that is not supported, is that correct?

Any tips/workarounds?

You could try to get the latest snapshot version of the wrapper from github. I added some more support for different vector sources but haven’t tested it well enough to publish a new version in directory.


ok! I’vll give it at try. Thanks!

is there any option for showing a tooltip when hovering with the mouse over a feature?

I’ve not found one yet - but I’d use it in a heartbeat if it were implemented! :slight_smile:

That’s unfortunate, but I can find another solution I guess :slight_smile:

Another question:
I have implemented a FeatureModificationListener. As it appears, the ModificationListener fires while I am still dragging a feature (it fires if a hold the mouse still for a second). Is there an option to only fire once I release the mouse button? Or how else could I detect that the feature drag has been finished (e.g. mouse button released)?


Does anybody has a (example) implementation for adding Google maps layer for this add on?

How can I make that popup?



Any ideas regarding this point?
I want to perform some action as soon as the user finishes dragging a feature. However I cannot detect when the dragging is finished, as the FeatureModificationListener already fires when the mouse movement is paused for too long.

I am also new to OL, is there any info about basic stuff, I am looking into source code but i can’t figure out how to add clicklistener to an marker, popup window, how to define marker cluster or so, is there anything about this?

Hi Matti,

I have set up a local tile server for a solo country in Ubuntu.

Now I have examined the examples in your project in github, but I couldn’t find a way to connect to my local tile server. Is there any option to do this ?


I have a problem with run maps on Demo example. OpenStreetMap not loading - show in attachment.

The problem is non-loading map with openlayers in version 3.9, which is included in this wrapper.
When I update openlayers into 3.20.1 version I have other error:

VM156:10134 Uncaught TypeError: h.Id is not a function at (eval at Yud (org.vaadin.AppWidgetSet-0.js:NaN), <anonymous>:10134:110) at (eval at Yud (org.vaadin.AppWidgetSet-0.js:NaN), <anonymous>:10306:115) at W.l.Kn (eval at Yud (org.vaadin.AppWidgetSet-0.js:NaN), <anonymous>:12042:16) at oi.f (eval at Yud (org.vaadin.AppWidgetSet-0.js:NaN), <anonymous>:3914:16) Can anyone help?


OK, I found problem.
If someone want to run demo app, should change this line:

private OLSource createTileSource() { return new OLMapQuestSource(OLMapQuestLayerName.OSM); } to:

private OLSource createTileSource()
return new OLOSMSource();

You should find this:

private OLSource createTileSource()
return new OLMapQuestSource(OLMapQuestLayerName.OSM);

and replace with:

private OLSource createTileSource()
return new OLOSMSource();


I downloaded v-ol3 1.3 for Vaadin 7 by adding the dependency to pom.xml (the repository was already there.):


What more do i need to get the add-on? My project is seeing only some of the types but not all.

Eg. org.vaadin.addon.vol3.layer.OLTileLayer, org.vaadin.addon.vol3.client.source.OLMapQuestLayerName, etc are there but not org.vaadin.addon.vol3.source.OLMapQuestSource.

What am i missing!?

new to OSM and maps-- please bear with me. not that old on Vaadin, either.

I made some code to made the possible to have The HDMS format on MousepositionControl.
Where i can send it ?



