New Vaadin Sampler released!

This looks great! Can’t wait to tinker with it.


Looks great

The sampler application does not seem to work in Firefox.
Please see attached screen dump.


Works for me FireFox 33.1.1 , on Mac OSX 10.9.5

Seems to be working fine on FF 33.1.1 on Windows 7 also

Yep, sorry. It was an add-on that was the culprit. After disabling it, the sampler works fine.

Hi, where I can download *war of this version ?

Many thanks!

Pavlov: the current Sampler is not open source, and there’s no archive available for you to download. I hope we can change that with the next major version.

All samples have at least parts of their source (i.e. the relevant part) available. Click the info icon ( i ) in the top right corner of a sample and then open the “Source” tab to view it.

Super great work. Thanks guys.

@jouni Hello Jouni. You mentionned some time ago the fact that you may (hope to) change the license terms of the sampler. any update on this ?

Ditto. Would like to see the full source code.

Hi Eric and Dino,

Sorry to say, but the issue is still on the table. No real decision made yet. We haven’t started to build the next major version yet (so initial ideation has been done), and the current version will most likely still stay closed :confused:

@Jouni is the animation available? i would like to use it on my app

Hello All :slight_smile:

Is it possible to use that beautiful spinner (loading indicator), which is used in Sampler, at the beggining of our app? :slight_smile: By default in Valo there is spinner.gif. Is it possible to change that?

Looking forward to hearing form you! :slight_smile:

“Valo tip: override the @mixin valo-loading-bar with an empty implementation to remove the default loading indicator”
This was coming from Jouni some time ago.
Just override this scss mixin to have whatever you need.
You also have the valo-theme api information:


By “default loading indicator” I meant the progress bar at the top of the viewport when the app makes a server roundtrip. But to override the startup spinner, you can do something along these lines:

div.v-app-loading {
  @include valo-spinner($size: 40px, $color: blue);
  position: fixed;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  margin-left: -20px;
  margin-left: -20px;

Try that!

That’s fantastic @Jouni! Thank you for help! :slight_smile:
I just add whole CSS code I used for my app for next generations :wink:

div.v-app-loading::before {
    @include valo-spinner($size: 40px, $color: blue);
    position: fixed;
    top: 45%;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -20px;
    margin-left: -20px;
    background: none;

Any plans to release the source code?


Hi John! I can’t promise 100%, but I think we might be opening up the source code for Sampler some time next year. That’s just my personal opinion (sorry), so don’t hold me accountable :slight_smile:

Our current plans for the future downplay the role of a standalone showcase app, and we want to bring most of the features of Sampler directly to the webpages (list of components, feature demos, code examples). If/when that happens, I don’t see why we would not let anyone create their own version of the current Sampler app.

The reason it’s closed source right now, is that we don’t want to see Sampler clones everywhere, which could somehow distract from our main demo application.