New Vaadin Forum is live, what do you think?

We are just testing out Tori… we have set permissions on some of the categories in our forums…

It seems that Tori does not follow the same permission checks as the Liferay message board… it seems to not show categories when the Liferay message board does.

I have attached a screenshot showing both message boards on the same page, and you can see that Tori is missing some categories.

We are happy to try and assist in this issue if we can (just let us know where to start looking :-)).


On further testing, it appears that Tori adheres to Liferay Regular Roles, but does
adhere to Liferay Site Roles.
Adding permissions to a site role enables a category to show in the Liferay Message Board portlet but it does not show in the Tori message board.

Thanks for reporting (and investigating) the issue, I created a ticket of this to github

Hi there, the above issue looks fixed, great :slight_smile: (still to test it out).

Another query, what are your thoughts on following categories?

For example, say I would like to follow/subscribe to the “01. News & Announcements”, currently I can’t see a way to do it, whereas in the standard Liferay message board portlet you can just subscribe to a category as you can to a thread/post/topic.


Hi all,

I have one question regarding tori portlet? Does this support multilingual?



We’re using the Tori forum since a while now and would like to see support for responsiveness.
Question, is anybody actually still working on the Tori project … noticed the last updates in Git being made in 2014 and also no Liferay 7 updates available ?

Thanks for you support!




we haven’t updated it in a long while, but we’re working on something really big after which we hope to be able to jump into Tori. If you however have some features you have implemented into it or bugfixes we’d be happy to include those at any time!!


Hi Fredrik,

Thanks for the quick answer.

Does this mean Tori is on the roadmap … also for Liferay 7 (DXP) ?

We’re currently using the Liferay 6.2EE version from the Liferay Marketplace and found the Tori forum much better from interface pov. then Liferay’s out-of-the box message board. We use VAADIN for in-house written portlets in our portal and the most recent ones are written responsive (device aware).
Problem is time, but I’ll try to build (when time) the project from the sources available on Github for Liferay 6.2EE first and see how easy this is. Then if successfully build, analyse its structure and how to make the forum interface responsive.




what is inside Tori, we haven’t decided yet. So I don’t know about LR7. But we’re definitely going to build it forward! Sorry, but I don’t have closer plans at the moment.


I don’t know if it’s something related to my profile settings, but I don’t remember having changed anything on them and I stopped getting email notifications to my topics / replies just when the new forums came out.

Also, I miss a search button for the current, and maybe inner, forum / subforum(s). Now I have to click on the magnifier on the top bar and it will take me out of the current place and yes, there is an option to search forums, which is not working too well for me, to say something…

Hi Pere, thanks for the helpful feedback. I have reported this to our website team and hopefully we will fix those features for you.

Thanks a lot for caring, Binh!

Amazingly, I just got an email notification for this reply. I swear it’s the only one I’ve got in weeks, or at least the only one I noticed of after the site upgrade!

That’s awesome to hear, I hope you don’t miss anything more in the future.

Awesome to hear about the email notifications! One of our team members Artem was working hard these past few weeks to get the notifications back to work – this has been a huge thing many have been missing and really nice to see the email notifications working again! :slight_smile:

I think I’ve found another bug on the site. I was trying to give feedback on some add-on, but the rating I selected is not properly stored: I choosed 3 stars, but 5 appear on my comment. Tried it again and, again, there appear 5 starts instead of my selection.

All ratings on this add-on are being displayed as 5 stars, but the average displays about 4 - so obviously there’s something wrong there also. Maybe the values are properly stored but wrongly displayed, and the average is being properly calculated.

It should be nice also if feedback/comments could be edited.

Hey there, again :slight_smile:
It’s true that at the moment our Vaadin Directory are somewhat unstable.

Shhh, don’t tell this to anyone >

we are working to a brand new Directory which we promise will be more stable and will feature more stuff for you guys to use.

I have also taken note of your feedback so we can make sure that doesn’t happen in the future (I myself look forwards for the editting comments/feedbacks feature as well).

So we’re really sorry about the unpleasant experience you had. Unfortunately, at the moment, almost all of our human resource are working on the new one so those errors might not go away soon. But we’re getting close on our new Directory so stay tuned for that.

Again, thanks so much for the feedback Pere!

You should delete the previous spam comment.

Appart from that, I detected that the “Post Reply” + “Add Attachment” buttons always properly appear in place when I’m logged in and I can post in the thread I’m visiting. But the text editor for writing the comment itself DOESN’T always appear. This has led me to do an unintentionally “false post” a couple of times.

Also, the dynamic way of loading messages in a thread doesn’t always work properly, sometimes making you thing that you are seeing all the comments in a thread where, in fact, there may be a lot more which haven’t been properly loaded.

Another thing: I noticed I’m getting new thread notifications. Can this disabled somehow? Most of times I’m only interested in replies to the threads I’m participating in…

And finally, a ¿bug? I discovered not related to the forums themselves, but probably introduced after the site migration. Links to members of the staff’s blogs seem to be gone. For instance, I tried to visit
(which I found on
this relatively recent forum thread
) but all I get is a 404.

Pere Pasqual:
Appart from that, I detected that the “Post Reply” + “Add Attachment” buttons always properly appear in place when I’m logged in and I can post in the thread I’m visiting. But the text editor for writing the comment itself DOESN’T always appear. This has led me to do an unintentionally “false post” a couple of times.

Also, the dynamic way of loading messages in a thread doesn’t always work properly, sometimes making you thing that you are seeing all the comments in a thread where, in fact, there may be a lot more which haven’t been properly loaded.

Yes, we are aware of these issues, but, fortunately, the new upgraded and improved forum on the way :slight_smile:

Another thing: I noticed I’m getting new thread notifications. Can this disabled somehow? Most of times I’m only interested in replies to the threads I’m participating in…

There is this hideous Followed categories tick at the bottom of [notification settings page]
( Just untick it and you won’t be notified of newly created threads in followed categories (a long time ago forgotten feature, that was reenabled recently).

Is this new version (or the updates to the current version) that you mention going to be an update to Tori and be updated on GitHub or is it a completly new implementation? I see the page has not been updated for years.

Being able to subscribe to categories is something that I would love to have in Tori, so really hope it will be released as in the past :-)… have not tried it in Liferay 7 either…

C Fraser

C Fraser:
Is this new version (or the updates to the current version) that you mention going to be an update to Tori and be updated on GitHub or is it a completly new implementation? I see the page has not been updated for years.

Unfortunately (fortunately ;)) this will be a complete Vaadin 10 based rewrite.

Being able to subscribe to categories is something that I would love to have in Tori, so really hope it will be released as in the past :-)… have not tried it in Liferay 7 either…

Technically it’s relatively easy to add support for category subscription to Tori: LifeRay has everything that is needed already, so the implementation is as simple as adding couple of lines to NewThreadPresenter.saveNewThread method (and adding corresponding ‘Follow/Unfollow’ button.