Is there documentation on adapting apps to Vaadin 7.2? Having lots of trou

Don’t know if this can help, but I was able to replicate the issue described in ticket 13971 by writing a simple UI with push enabled and transport = Transport.LONG_POLLING (see the attached Eclipse project).
After starting Tomcat 7:

  • I open the UI in my web browser (Chrome, FWIW)
  • I wait for the background thread to finish (3 sec.)
  • I refresh the page

In this way I obtain the error sistematically. Switching transport to STREAMING seems to solve the problem (at least I was not able to reproduce it) but it creates other issues (on my webapp I switched to LONG_POLLING because with STREAMING I was experiencing a similar error when invalidating the http session, this is not shown in my project).

Thank you,

lorenzo (10.5 KB)