- does not run ?

I exited Eclipse and started Eclipse again, and the same occurs.
Same log as above.


The app is running - it just doesn’t open the inner browser in Eclipse. Open an external browser at

Wow… OK, that worked! Now, I can print out the code and study why it did now work when I followed the tutorial.
THANK YOU! Just needed a little help from my friends.

Video Notes:

Excellent! Also, this is Vaadin 8 … yes!

I need to print out the tutorial code to study, then move onto creating a CRUD web app, then connect the data from local array to remote MySQL data and finally create WAR and deploy to AWS, then move onto Vaadin Designer, as then the very BASICS shall have been accomplished in creating and deploy development version of a Vaadin Crud web app with remote data.

Please, one last question is the below Vaadin 8…

How would I set up to use my installed AWS server to run the Vaadin Example ?

Glad to hear it!

The Spring GS app appears to be Vaadin 8.0.0, which you can see from the pom.xml file at

<dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.vaadin</groupId> <artifactId>vaadin-bom</artifactId> <version>8.0.0</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </dependencyManagement> Vaadin apps almost always use Maven dependency management for the vaadin-bom artifact, so this is where you can check the version number. It may reference a property e.g. ${vaadin.version}, as was the case with the tutorial app that I had you modify earlier. In that case you can check the property for the version.

– AC

Thank you, shall communicate with my Vaadin sales person and let them know it is a GO for the trial with the expectation of success and my becomming a $1200 subscriber – due to your efforts, thank you.

Hello @Alejandro C De Baca,

I went through Setting up your development environment for Vaadin, as you kindly suggested.

I am reading through Book of Vaadin 8 as well.

Please, in the Setting up your development… it creates a My CRUD example using static data. May you please point me to the direction of the best practice to modify the same demo using remote data by creating the model, and the persistant data configuration for URL, USER, PASSWORD, etc…, please?