How to center horizontally a content in Vaadin

well, I solved my “little” problem, but now I have another one(s).
I really don’t want to bother with trivial cuestions, but VAADIN is a bit diferent from JSF or swing programming and takes some time to adopt to it. I’m developing my first program in VAADIN. Also, often the examples of how to do something in VAADIN are not clear enough or complete.
How to use my
theme I still don’t get it.

I thought the
is default theme, but seems not to be, because when I include
it changed the design of my page completely, the grids desapered and so on.
I work with VAADIN 7.5.1.

I use
netbeans 8.0.2

I want to include my theme. I created cnstema in web-inf/VAADIN/themes/cnstema.scc
I put in it:
@import “…/reindeer/legacy-styles.css”;

.v-app {
background: yellow;


in the main class and VAADIN can’t find my theme.

Tomcat says:

serveStaticResourcesInVAADIN Requested resource
[/VAADIN/themes/cnstema/styles.css] not found from filesystem or through class loader. Add widgetset and/or theme JAR to your classpath or add files to WebContent/VAADIN folder.

VAADIN at generating the page throws this:

http://localhost:8080/CapitanNemoStock/VAADIN/themes/cnstema/styles.css?v=7.5.1 loadTheme @ vaadinBootstrap.js?v=7.5.1:34window.vaadin.window.vaadin.initApplication.bootstrapApp @ vaadinBootstrap.js?v=7.5.1:212window.vaadin.window.vaadin.initApplication @ vaadinBootstrap.js?v=7.5.1:237(anonymous function) @ (index):21

So, I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong.