Google Maps and imagemap widgets updated

Very nice your component!! Congratulations!!

Thank you very much. Iā€™m using your component.

One question?

Is possible do a map with the route between two points, marking the route through a line or polygon?

Like getDirection () function in GWT.

Thank you in advance!!

Iā€™m afraid that the component only supports a limited subset of the Google Maps API, and routing is one of the many things not supported at the moment.

I anxiously await you update the component.

Thank you! For your contribution anyway.

Sorry again!!-_-

Two questions:

First : Is possible to add listener (clickListener) on Maker or something to know what maker the user has clicked??

Second : How to change the Google Key.

Thanks a lot!!

I tried to compile the widgetset, but I got the following error:

Unable to find ā€˜com/google/gwt/maps/GoogleMaps.gwt.xmlā€™ on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
Line 6: Unexpected exception while processing element ā€˜inheritsā€™

Am I missing something here? Should I add something more than just the jar-file?

Thank you!

I edited the widgetset xml-file and put Google Maps url (with correct key) to the script parameter. Works fine.


Not at the moment, but this would be trivial so Iā€™ll add it in the next release.

Harri already described how to do this, but Iā€™m currently looking into a API for changing the key, so that you wouldnā€™t need to recompile the widgetset.

Iā€™ll try to release a new version soon with both of these improvements.

Did you add the gwt-maps.jar from the zip to your WEB-INF/lib?

Hi, sorry to ask, how could I put correct key into widgetset ?
Can you provide more information?

Iā€™ve downloaded this from vaadin add on-site and got the map working fine, and can add markers to map.

Problem is that I canā€™t get the infomessage to show itself.
Iā€™ve made a MapComponent that extends HorizontalLayout and has a private GoogleMap variable.

Iā€™m out of ideas on what to do? Is this a bug or donā€™t I just have the right component se for the message, what should it be, null, the MapComponent Iā€™ve made, the window behind itā€¦ ??

This shows my multiple efforts on how Iā€™ve tried to get the message visible in the initData() function of MapComponent:

            BasicMarker m = new BasicMarker(1L, new Point2D.Double(22.3, 60.4522),
		"Test marker");
	m.setInfoWindowContent(null, new Label("a"));

	BasicMarker m2 = new BasicMarker(2L, new Point2D.Double(22.3, 60.5522),
		"Test marker2");
	m2.setInfoWindowContent(this, new Label("s"));

	BasicMarker m3 = new BasicMarker(3L, new Point2D.Double(22.3, 60.6522),
		"Test marker3");
	m3.setInfoWindowContent(this.getWindow(), new Label("v"));


but alas nothing happens when I click the marker.

Now is a time that I could say some rude words. :angry:

It happens to be so that the version I took from your download directory doesnā€™t work, but then I took the zip files from the first message, found some differences in code, tried it and it works. The popup shows up on all cases I wrote above.

Iā€™m somewhat frustrated that the version in your official download-site isnā€™t working and I lost about a day of worktime on wondering whatā€™s wrong.

Damn, Iā€™m terribly sorry about that :frowning: The Directory version was uploaded as a test before directory launch, and I forgot to upload a new version with the patch included in this thread.

I will remove the files from this thread and make the Directory the master repository for the addons.

Again, I apologize for the mixup and grief it caused.

It happens.

Moving forward.

Now that Iā€™ve added some draggable markers to the map and drag them around and then ask .getLatLng() I always get the intial
location of the marker where I originally positioned it.

The marker is a private variable in a view class so that I could easily access it.

Is there a bug in updating the marker location data after drag, has it not been implemented or am I doing something wrong?

Iā€™m afraid thatā€™s yet another feature of the maps API thatā€™s not currently supported by the component. Iā€™ll add it to my todo list.

I opened a
new thread
dedicated to the map component, please use it from now on when discussing that topic.

java.awt.geom isnā€™t supported by App Engine but this maps widget seems to rely on it. Is there a way to run this widget on app engine actually? Iā€™m a n00b and canā€™t figure this outā€¦

(Greetings from Vaadin Code Camp)

Replied in the
new official thread

when i set the icon of a marker to a custom icon. it shows at the wron position when the map is zoomed out and gets closer to the real position the further i zoom in. Any idea why that is?

icon size is 32x32 px and symmetrical

I cant see that neither Marker nor PolyOverlay are Serializable on the latest version (0.9.13).

How is it that others manage to get it working without this?

In Marker case i managed to make it work because it implements a Marker interface, so reimplementing it and making it serializable is a good workaround but polyoverlay does not implement a common interface so there is no way to make it serializable other than recompiling the entire project.

Am I missing something?