Getting started with Vaadin 14 and google maps

Thanks for your response - I guess.

I think the largest problem with Vaadin is the fact that there are so many things you have to know beforehand in order to get started with anything but trivial hello world type of things. Nothing of what you just said makes much sense to me. I guess I have to run in compatibility mode - whatever that is and however I enable that, and I guess I have to understand what a webjar is and where to put it and how to use it. Perhaps then I can get my map to work - but you see the steepness of that learning curve right?

I really like what I’ve seen about Vaadin so far but to become a success I think the company needs to focus on the ecosystem and integration with the outside world though reusable components rather than the core architecture. It should be simple to create an app that has a Google maps view (or other Google services) exposed inside of it, but it just isn’t. It seems that Vaadin has a strategy to appeal to web and app developers on a technical level but when the platform doesn’t help developers integrate with ubiquitous service providers like Google or Amazon, it won’t be the first choice for many I think.

Sorry for the rant, I’m not actually trying to be negative towards Vaadin as a company or a technology. Just frustrated that I am not able to make a simple project like what I outlined possible.

Case in point I was able to achieve the entire thing using Thunkable in under 30 minutes. It should just be that simple.

