Different types of "selecting" a row in grid

To be a little more precise: getting the selections itself is not the problem. “activeItem” contains the last clicked row item, and “selecteItems” contains all selected items. That’s perfect!


  1. When in multiselect mode, there is no visible difference between all selected rows and the “current” (last) selected row (with “auto-select” option enabled) .
  2. Also I don’t know any way how to decide if the user wants so select one more row for multiselect, or if he wants to go back to a single selection. Thats what’s done in Windows with pressing “Ctrl” or not. In “vaadin-grid-cell-click-behavior.html”, the “_onClick” functions knows it because it gets the “ctrlKey” property from the Event, but down to the “_activeItemChanged(activeItem)” observer, there is no (known) way to know if ctrl was pressed or not. Or is there any way?