Can't find /VAADIN/themes/touchkit/styles.css

I am now running TouchKit successfully from karaf (ie. as an OSGi bundle), and to answer the questions above:

  1. No I did not have to subclass TouchKitServlet, but I did have to import
    of the packages exported by touchkit-turned-into-a-bundle-on-the-fly-by-karaf, not just the packages referenced directly, see the configuration for maven-bundle-plugin here:
  2. No I’m using the TouchkitWidgetSet but to get everything to load right I had to import all the TocuKit packages as decribed in “1.” above, and I also had to provide all of TouchKit’s OSGi dependencies in the karaf feature file (downgrade vaadin to the version touchkit was built against, ie. 7.6.1 (I previously used 7.7.4), flute, streamhtmlparser, guava and gwt-user):
  3. No, but again things started working once I had fixed the runtime dependencies (see above)
  4. I don’t know if it was necessary, but I created this one: